
 Resources for Interpreting is the product of years of experience and expertise.  It is useful not only to professionals, but also researchers and all students of Chinese and English, for whom interpreting is an ongoing activity both inside and outside the classroom.   The bilingual glossary alone is a tremendous resource for anyone interested in the most up-to-date terminology for current affairs in a wide range of topics.


Professor Keith McMahon

Professor of Chinese,
East Asian Languages and Cultures,
University of Kansas,


 This is indeed a resourceful website not just for interpreting students but also for researchers who are interested in interpreting studies. The website has included a wide range of information and material from academic research articles to news articles and legislative council’s debates, etc. The organization of different materials is clear and well-structured and most important of all users-friendly. So anyone with or without interpreting training or background can use the website for different activities such as interpreting exercises, searching for references on interpreting studies; or looking up for glossaries on topical issues. This website is clearly a result of scholarly work which is guided by the principle of a generous community spirit, achieving the genuine purpose of knowledge exchange. 


Dr Ester S M Leung

Associate Professor,
Translation Programme,
Hong Kong Baptist University


 I have been teaching language-neutral courses for interpreters since 1991, but every year we have quite a large cohort of Chinese students.
In May 2015, I made the link Dr Eva Ng sent me available to my Chinese<>English interpreting students in the Graduate Diploma in Arts (Interpreting). These students are taking eight different interpreting courses, including community, medical and legal interpreting. In fact, some of my students had started sharing a 70 page glossary on AUT Online, but they abandoned those efforts when they saw this glossary. One of them wrote:
“Thank you for sharing a WONDERFUL website with us. This is the database that I have been looking for. The thing I like the most is the wide range it covers especially the current affairs which are really really helpful. I also really appreciate the efforts they put into the simplified Chinese references. I also checked the video links on that website, they are very illuminating for the beginners.”
The Course Administrator for Interpreting and the School Registrar, who are both Chinese speakers, also visited the glossary and thought it was amazingly useful.
So I am happy to endorse her website with the greatest praise for her efforts. This glossary will be useful to interpreting students from far and wide, and its usefulness will extend well across the borders of Hong Kong. 


Dr Ineke Crezee

Associate Professor in Translation and Interpreting,
School of Languages,
Auckland University of Technology (AUT);
Author of Introduction to Healthcare for Interpreters and Translators (2013)
and other textbooks for student interpreters published in-house at AUT


As a legal interpreter who did not come from a court interpreting background but with formal training in conference interpreting, when I first foraged into the realm of legal interpreting I found myself having to rely heavily on legal dictionaries to do my job; however, such dictionaries (including the legal glossary issued by the Department of Judiciary of Hong Kong) only include formal renditions of terms but not colloquial terms circulating in reality. The legal glossary on your website is thus invaluable in its collection of slangy terms in actual everyday usage, particularly the local Hong Kong Cantonese colloquialisms not found in standard legal dictionaries or glossaries. I believe professional translators and interpreters like myself all stand to benefit from this sharing of knowledge and your efforts are greatly appreciated 

Dr Daisy Sheung Yuen Ng

Conference and legal interpreter based in Hong Kong;
Former interpreting lecturer at the Chinese University of Hong Kong,
City University of Hong Kong and HKU SPACE

(Daisy Ng http://interpreter.com.hk)


From a user’s practical point of view, an information-sharing website must, among other things, have three basic features: it must be easily accessible; the information on the website must be easily retrievable, and as comprehensive as possible.  This website has all these features.  Myself a court interpreter and translator, I find it particularly useful as it provides a rich resource of terminology, information and knowledge that enhances the efficiency of my work.  From now on, it is hard for me to imagine myself working without this website, which represents an unprecedented Knowledge Exchange initiative launched by the University of Hong Kong at building up a reservoir of knowledge and information of immense diversity, from which the professions and the public at large will undoubtedly benefit.  

Mr TSANG Man Sang

Retired Senior Court Interpreter;
Registered Interpreter/Translator of the Judiciary and Civil Service Bureau



 The new website is a useful resource for both students and those already in the interpretation field. Its “glossaries” feature is a handy tool, providing translations for wide-ranging terms including those related to topical issues. There can never an exhaustive list of terms but the site will certainly help increase public awareness and understanding of an interesting profession. 

Ms Linda Yeung

Government Simultaneous Interpreter (part-time)


 As a conference interpreter of over 20 years, I am excited to see that there is finally a local online platform dedicated to interpreting.  The site contains a wealth of resources including an impressive bilingual glossary spanning a diverse range of subjects and handy links on learning resources, practice materials and interpreting-related websites. For interpreting students, trainers and practitioners and for those who’d simply like to learn more about interpreting, a host of useful information is now just a click away. My warmest congratulations to the project team for a brilliant job done! 

Ms Jacqueline Fu

Practicing conference interpreter

As a professional interpreter working in the private and public sector; I am on constant lookout for resources, preferably free, that can make my life easier and/or help me perform better. Hong Kong U’s Resources for interpreting is one such asset.
I have found the Chinese/English terms on current affairs of particular interest. It covers contemporary business, culture, environment, law and order and local politics. If the site could provide links to articles where the individual terms are used, it would be of great assistance to the practicing interpreter. For example, when the topic Grexit is mentioned, it would inevitably involve terms such as the ECB, euro-zone, capital controls, austerity measures etc. So, if the site could provide links to Chinese and English articles from authoritative sources that contain the above terms, it would simplify the interpreter’s preparation work.
I wish the site continuous improvement and look forward to it being an indispensable part of my toolkit.

Mr Pierre Wong

Mandarin, Cantonese and English interpreter

(Pierre Wong www.hongkong-interpreter.com)

 This is an excellent resource for practitioners, students, educators and researchers of Interpreting. I am very happy to endorse it and to recommend it.

Professor Sandra Hale

Professor of Interpreting and Translation,
University of New South Wales (UNSW),
National President of The Australia Institute of Interpreters and Translators Inc. (AUSIT)

 Dr Eva Ng and her team are to be congratulated for their tremendous efforts in providing invaluable and indispensable resources that is useful not only to students, practitioners and researchers of interpreting but also to those interested in translation and the general public as well. The glossary alone is remarkable for its wide coverage and the amount of work required for its constant update. All in all I am very pleased to endorse and recommend this much needed and thoughtfully designed website.

Dr Mary M Y Fung

Hon. Associate Professor,
School of Chinese,
The University of Hong Kong


I am happy to endorse her website with the greatest praise for her efforts. This glossary will be useful to interpreting students from far and wide, and its usefulness will extend well across the borders of Hong Kong...

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Dr Ineke Crezee, Auckland University of Technology

This is indeed a resourceful website not just for interpreting students but also for researchers who are interested in interpreting studies.

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Dr Ester Leung,
Associate Professor, Translation Programme, Hong Kong Baptist University

This is an excellent resource for practitioners, students, educators and researchers of Interpreting. I am very happy to endorse it and to recommend it.

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Professor Sandra Hale, University of New South Wales

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