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rainmaker 造雨人

rainmaker繁: 造雨人簡: 造雨人 撮合這筆交易、制衡雙方鬥志旺盛的創始人和投資人的,正是有中國科技行業「造雨人」之稱的包凡。 「兔死狐悲、唇亡齒寒」:包凡事件打擊中國商界信心(2023年2月23日)。紐約時報中文網,取自 Brokering the deal, while managing the egos of combative founders and investors, was Bao Fan, the rainmaker of China’s tech industry. China’s Tech Rainmaker Vanishes, and So Does Business Confidence (2023, Feb 22). The New York Times. Retrieved from