universal and equal 普及和平等

universal and equal


譚惠珠:基本法無提廢除功能組別(2015年2月6日)。信報,取自 http://www2.hkej.com/instantnews/current/article/986251/譚惠珠%3A基本法無提廢除功能組別

First, the ultimate goal of Occupy Central is to push for a means of electing the chief executive that can satisfy international standards on universal and equal suffrage under Article 25 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights that is applicable to Hong Kong through Article 39 of the Basic Law.

Central issues of the Occupy Central movement. (2013, May 23). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/comment/insight-opinion/article/1243564/central-issues-occupy-central-movement