power of appointment 任命權

power of appointment


中央擬制訂特首任命辦法 具體規範港澳任命程序(2015年4月24日)。明報,取自 http://news.mingpao.com/pns/中央擬制訂特首任命辦法-具體規範港澳任命程序/web_tc/article/20150424/s00001/1429811209287

He also called for Beijing to set out “clear standards” for how it would exercise its power of appointment, as part of efforts to seek a balance between the rights of Hongkongers and Beijing.

True democracy in Hong Kong is ‘impossible’, says Basic Law expert. (2013, December 1). South China Morning Post. Retrieved from http://www.scmp.com/news/hong-kong/article/1370293/true-democracy-hong-kong-impossible-says-basic-law-expert