femtocell 飛蜂窩基站

繁: 飛蜂窩基站 
簡: 飞蜂窝基站 

泰國曼谷警方拘捕兩名香港男子,他們涉嫌在Siam Paragon商場內,透過飛蜂窩基站(femtocell)發送模仿當地電訊服務供應商的虛假「釣魚」短訊,憑惡意連結從而入侵他人手機。。 

背囊藏假訊號站 遊走曼谷商場發釣魚短訊 兩港男落網(2024年4月12日)。am730,取自https://t.ly/j58gS 

A false base station, also known as a femtocell, is a device that can mimic legitimate cellphone towers. 

Pair from Hong Kong arrested in Bangkok mall with tool for sending fake SMS messages (2024, Apr 10). Nation Thailand. Retrieved from https://www.nationthailand.com/thailand/general/40037137