upcycling 升級再造

繁: 升級再造 
簡: 升级再造 


咖啡渣升級再造變堆肥 混飲管紙巾礙回收 環保社企:「乾淨回收」是個人責任|Yahoo(2024年1月6日)。Yahoo新聞,取自https://t.ly/gFCOA 

On the other hand, upcycling makes use of the material’s features and converts it into something useful. 

Hong Kong’s eco-friendly designer upcycling plastic bottles and broken rice cookers into speakers and bicycle bells (2022, Jan 17). SCMP Young Post. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/yp/discover/lifestyle/article/3163457/hong-kong-designer-transforming-plastic-bottles-and-broken