forum-shopping 選擇法院

繁: 選擇法院 
簡: 选择法院 

羅素表示,布林肯與蘇利文和拜登關係密切,發言具權威性,兩人曾緊密共事的經歷也能防止中方在國務院和白宮間「選擇法院」(forum shopping,指當事人為獲有利裁判而選擇特定法院興訟)。 

美中高層會晤 前亞太助卿羅素:試探而非談判 (2021年3月16日)。Rti 中央廣播電臺取自 

The issues in these Supreme Court jurisdictional disputes were varied and complex. But the theme that ties them together is the persistent warning by defendants and their allies that courts should be wary of forum-shopping by plaintiffs trying to gain a litigation advantage by picking a friendly venue. 

U.S. Chamber, critic of forum shopping, questioned for doing just that (2024, Mar 22). Reuters. Retrieved from