bongkrekic acid (BKA) 米酵菌酸

bongkrekic acid (BKA) 
繁: 米酵菌酸 
簡: 米酵菌酸 

台北素食餐廳寶林茶室爆發疑似食物中毒事件,迄今已17人受害,其中2人不幸過世。有醫生根據他們多有食過炒粿條、炒河粉,推測是米酵菌酸(Bongkrekic Acid,BKA)中毒。 

寶林茶室案|「米酵菌酸」無有效解毒劑 專家:避免重複加熱飯麵(2024年3月28日)。香港01,取自 

An autopsy discovered bongkrekic acid in a specimen collected from a person who died from food poisoning after dining at the Malaysian restaurant chain Polam Kopitiam, the Ministry of Health and Welfare said at a news conference last night. 

Bongkrekic acid suspected poison source (2024, Mar 29). Taipei Times. Retrieved from