“subject 3” dance (kemusan) 科目三

“subject 3” dance (kemusan)
繁: 科目三
簡: 科目三


日舞團Avantgardey維港跳《科目三》惹反感 急刪帖改跳Sam歌 (2024年2月15日)。自由亞洲電台,取自https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/news/htm/hk-avantgardey-02152024051744.html

Avantgardey, a finale performer for the Lunar New Year night parade event organized by the Hong Kong government, had posted photos and videos of the group’s activities across the city, including footage of the group performing the dance kemusan, also known as “subject 3” dance.

Japanese dance group’s take on a TikTok hit irks Hong Kong (2024, Feb 15).Radio Free Asia. Retrieved from https://www.rfa.org/english/news/china/jpgroup-cndance-hk-02152024232935.html