Night Vibes Hong Kong 香港夜繽紛

Night Vibes Hong Kong  
繁: 香港夜繽紛 
簡: 香港夜缤纷 


「香港夜繽紛」欠街道振興活動 市民:街道不旺怎搞活經濟?(2023年9月15日)。自由亞洲電台,取自 

Night Vibes Hong Kong”, the latest desperate-looking official endeavour to magic up creative solutions to obvious economic problems, neatly sidesteps any real attempt to honestly examine just why these challenges exist in the first place. 

Hong Kong has lost its mojo. We all know why. ‘Night Vibes Hong Kong’ campaign to re-energise nightlife can’t change that (2023, Oct 1). SCMP. Retrieved from