Swiftonomics 泰勒絲經濟學

繁: 泰勒絲經濟學
簡: 泰勒丝经济学


泰勒絲經濟學(Swiftonomics) (2023年6月5日)。香港電台,取自https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/news-programmes/this-episode.htm?cmsid=103&episode_id=886500&livetime=20230605000000

The summit obviously has a whole panel dedicated to “Swiftonomics” – a trend coined to explain her mammoth effect on economies, and one which has left world leaders begging her to tour their countries.

Taylor Swift: Inside a world-first ‘Swiftposium’ academic summit (2024, Feb 13). BBC. Retrieved from https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-68271324