zero-dollar shopping 零元購

zero-dollar shopping  
繁: 零元購 
簡: 零元购 

消費向來是美國經濟最重要的支柱,佔國內生產總值(GDP)逾三分之二,零售行業還直接及間接創造了5,200萬個就業職位。不過,比起高利率、消費信心不足和通脹等衝擊,現時零售行業更大的危機是近年興起的所謂「零元購」風潮,即針對大小商戶的搶掠偷竊,以及更嚴重的有組織零售犯罪(Organized Retail Crime)。 

美國「零元購」搶劫成風 零售業一年損失7371億元(2023年10月1日)。on.cc東網,取自 

The United States has reached a peak season for “zero-dollar shopping,” a term associated with retail crimes, including theft, costing the industry US$112 billion (HK$877 billion) last year. 

US ‘zero-dollar shopping’ on the rise (2023, Oct 3). The Standard. Retrieved from