kangaroo court 袋鼠法庭

kangaroo court  
繁: 袋鼠法庭 
簡: 袋鼠法庭 

特朗普表明要「調查ICC貪腐」,前國務卿蓬佩奧(Mike Pompeo)更以「袋鼠法庭」嘲笑ICC。 

國際刑事法庭丨美國曾嘲「袋鼠法庭」 現實上普京不太可能被捕(2023年3月18日)。香港01,取自https://www.hk01.com/article/878765?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral 

In an interview in Taipei, his son Sebastien Lai said the postponements and other legal obstacles made it clear that “it’s a kangaroo court“. 

Trial Of Apple Daily Tycoon A ‘Test’ For Hong Kong’s Freedoms: Son (2023, Nov 28). Barron’s. Retrieved from https://www.barrons.com/news/trial-of-apple-daily-tycoon-a-test-for-hong-kong-s-freedoms-son-50485eba