wetback 濕背

繁: 濕背 
簡: 湿背 

艾森豪威爾曾在1954年推行「濕背行動」(Operation Wetback),驅逐大批墨西哥移民離境。 


The term “wetback,” which was used to describe Mexicans who swam or waded across the Rio Grande, is considered a racial slur. 

Trump’s vows to deport millions are undercut by his White House record and one family’s story (2024, Jan 3). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/6/212035/Trump’s-vows-to-deport-millions-are-undercut-by-his-White-House-record-and-one-family’s-story