tactile paving 觸覺引路帶

tactile paving  
繁: 觸覺引路帶 
簡: 盲道 


河南觸覺引路帶似貼紙一撕就甩? 官方:天氣凍無粘性將重新鋪設(2023年12月5日)。香港01,取自https://www.hk01.com/article/968281?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral 

A blind man who fell on to rail tracks and was nearly hit by a freight train is suing Network Rail for failing to put in place tactile paving to protect him. 

Blind man who fell on to rail tracks sues Network Rail over lack of tactile paving (2023, Jun 14). The Guardian. Retrieved from https://www.theguardian.com/business/2023/jun/14/blind-man-who-fell-on-to-rail-tracks-sues-network-rail-over-lack-of-tactile-paving