tiltrotor 傾轉旋翼機

繁: 傾轉旋翼機 
簡: 倾转旋翼机 


駐日美軍魚鷹機屋久島墜海至少1死 岸田:會盡力搜救 2023年11月29日)。商業電台取自https://www.881903.com/news2/international/2512001 

A Bell Boeing CV-22B Osprey tiltrotor operated by the US Air Force (USAF) crashed off the coast of Japan on 29 November, with at least one fatality confirmed. 

US Osprey tiltrotor crashes off Japan with at least one fatality (2023, Nov 29). Flight Global. Retrieved from https://www.flightglobal.com/helicopters/us-osprey-tiltrotor-crashes-off-japan-with-at-least-one-fatality/156037.article