tokenization 代碼化

繁: 代碼化
簡: 代码化

另外,其中一項新招還包括推動信用卡資料代碼化(Card Tokenization),以減低信用卡資料外洩的影響。

金管局33招盡出 打擊信用卡騙案 鼓勵實體卡不印號碼(2023年6月20日)。星島頭條,取自

As crypto prices see-saw ahead of their next swerve, the market for “tokenization” – issuing blockchain-based digital tokens that represent assets from bonds to stocks and real estate – may finally be reaching a critical mass.

Cryptoverse: ‘It’s a knife fight’ as traders get tokenized (2023, Oct 3). Reuters. Retrieved from