“no limits” partnership 「無上限」夥伴關係
“no limits” partnership
繁: 「無上限」夥伴關係
簡: 「无上限」伙伴关系
中國領導人習近平與俄羅斯總統普京(Vladimir Putin)在莫斯科會晤,展現他們宣稱的中俄「無上限」夥伴關係。
China and Russia declared a “no limits” partnership in February 2022 when Putin visited Beijing just days before he sent tens of thousands of troops into Ukraine, triggering the deadliest land war in Europe since World War Two.
Putin to visit China to deepen ‘no limits’ partnership with Xi (2023, Oct 15). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/3/209281/Putin-to-visit-China-to-deepen-‘no-limits’-partnership-with-Xi