Sukkot 住棚節

繁: 住棚節
簡: 住棚节

BBC駐中東記者Yolande Knell報道指,猶太教住棚節(Sukkot)假期剛結束,哈馬斯的突襲讓以色列人措手不及,南部民眾現在「處於噩夢般的境地」,有婦女稱其父親被抓走,另有一個數千人參加的露天派對捲入了交火,人們紛紛找地方躲避,據悉有人傷亡。

以巴衝突:哈馬斯發動突襲,以色列宣佈進入戰爭狀態 (2023年10月7日)。BBC News中文,取自

Sukkot is a festival celebrated by Jewish people around the world, starting on 29 September, and lasting for one week (or eight days in countries outside Israel) ending on 6 October.

Sukkot: What is it and how do people celebrate the Jewish harvest festival? (2023, Oct 5). BBC News. Retrieved from