quisling 賣國賊

繁: 賣國賊
簡: 卖国贼


【專訪】彭定康批港府「賣國賊」 中共要一個「沒香港人的香港」(2023年9月27日)。自由亞洲電台,取自https://www.rfa.org/cantonese/features/hottopic/feature-patten-09272023043727.html

But to those who rue the rapid passing of the city’s freewheeling political culture and vibrant civil society after Xi imposed a draconian national security law in June 2020, the president’s patriots are quislings who have aided and abetted the destruction of “one country, two systems”.

The ‘quislings’ who helped Beijing crush Hong Kong’s pro-democracy campaign (2022, July 1). Financial Times. Retrieved from https://www.ft.com/content/f5346408-cebd-495c-8dae-23f762c8e8ca