private cloud 私有雲

private cloud 
繁: 私有雲
簡: 私有云

新界校長會建議,學校應考慮選用其他教學專用的雲端平台,倡政府資助4,000萬元,予全港2,000間學校購入及使用「私有雲」作 YouTube 以外的替代平台。

校長會指YouTube含錯誤資訊或影響教學 倡政府資助4,000萬購替代平台(2023年9月6日)。獨立媒體,取自

Executives and senior technicians from Alibaba were summoned by Shanghai police in July after the force, which was storing data on an Alibaba private cloud server, suffered what appeared to be one of the biggest data breaches in history.

Alibaba can advance in 2023, says CEO, after China’s COVID U-turn (2022, Dec 29). Nikkei Asia. Retrieved from