sea ice 海冰

sea ice 
繁: 海冰
簡: 海冰

去年底,《地球與環境通訊》(Communications Earth & Environment)雜誌發表一項報告,指有衛星監察到南極西面別林斯高晉海(Bellingshausen Sea)災難性的驚人一幕:皇帝企鵝雛鳥腳下的海冰,在它們還未長出在海中游泳所需的防水羽毛之前就融化和碎裂了,估計有多達10,000隻小企鵝因此掉進水中淹死、凍死。

上萬隻雛鳥罕有死亡 南極海冰消失的企鵝滅絕危機(2023年9月1日)。香港01,取自

Record low Antarctic sea ice in recent years may be a sign the region has entered a “new regime” of low sea ice coverage driven by warming, research suggests.

Antarctica may have entered ‘new regime’ of low sea ice as global warming ramps up (2023, Sept 13). The Guardian. Retrieved from