pocket crime (catch-all-offence) 口袋罪

pocket crime (catch-all-offence)
繁: 口袋罪
簡: 口袋罪


口袋罪阻維權?人大代表連15年提議取消尋釁滋事罪 網民反應兩極(2023年7月28日)。香港01,取自https://www.hk01.com/article/871981?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral

Known as a catch-all offence or a “pocket crime”, the charge has been used by Chinese authorities against human rights activists and dissidents for a wide range of behaviours.

‘Picking quarrels and provoking trouble’: how China’s catch-all crime muzzles dissent (2021, Aug 25). SCMP. Retrieved from https://www.scmp.com/news/china/politics/article/3146188/picking-quarrels-and-provoking-trouble-how-chinas-catch-all