rat tourism 觀鼠旅遊

rat tourism
繁: 觀鼠旅遊
簡: 观鼠旅游


紐約市鼠患成災 推另類「觀鼠旅遊」吸引旅客(2023年9月5日)。經濟日報,取自https://t.ly/SU1Jd

‘Rat tourism’ is the latest attraction to be launched in the Big Apple, with savvy chaperons capitalizing on the invasion of the disease-spreading vermin. 

NYC’s latest tourist attraction: RATS! Tour guides offer trips to worst rodent-infested parts of the Big Apple – as thousands tune into TikToks of vermin population that’s exploded across city (2023, Sept 5). Daily Mail. Retrieved from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12480963/NYCs-latest-tourist-attraction-RATS-Tour-guides-offer-trips-worst-rodent-infested-parts-Big-Apple-thousands-tune-TikToks-vermin-population-thats-exploded-city.html