sea slug 海蛞蝓

sea slug
繁: 海蛞蝓
簡: 海蛞蝓

泰國媒體8月31日報道,旅遊勝地布吉島(Phuket)海岸發現一種俗稱「藍龍」(blue dragon)、帶有劇毒的海蛞蝓,海洋和沿海資源部發出警告,呼籲民眾切勿觸碰,幸暫未有人因而受傷。

泰國自由行注意︱布吉沙灘發現劇毒海蛞蝓 政府籲民眾勿觸碰(2023年9月5日)。香港01,取自

A blue dragon, a small but highly venomous type of sea slug, has been found on Karon beach in Phuket, according to pictures posted on the Monsoongarbage Thailand Facebook page.

Venomous ‘blue dragon’ found on Phuket beach (2023, Aug 31). Bangkok Post. Retrieved from