Spamouflage 垃圾偽裝

繁: 垃圾偽裝
簡: 垃圾伪装

ASPI將Clark Roosevelt指向「垃圾偽裝Spamouflage」中國大外宣行動的一環,而Clark Roosevelt截圖的一隅疑似泄露了這一行動的代號——「蜜獾行動」,背後牽涉的是中國鹽城市公安局以及中國網路安全公司奇安信。 


Meta began investigating in 2019 and its research aligned with several research groups, including the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (Aspi), who coined the term Spamouflage.

Meta closes nearly 9,000 Facebook and Instagram accounts linked to Chinese ‘Spamouflage’ foreign influence campaign (2023, Aug 29). The Guardian. Retrieved from