(vehicle) class tag 車種貼

(vehicle) class tag
繁: 車種貼
簡: 车种贴


易通行懶人包|7.23紅隧啟用 開通時間表、車輛貼/車種貼分別(2023年7月17日)。香港01,取自 https://www.hk01.com/article/920215?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral

Apart from the vehicle tag, motorists may also choose to purchase a class tag, which is classified by nine vehicle types and has the stored value function.

HKeToll to be gradually launched (2023, Jan 6). news.gov.hk. Retrieved from https://www.news.gov.hk/eng/2023/01/20230106/20230106_151918_884.html