open work permit (OWP) 開放式工作簽證

open work permit (OWP) 
繁: 開放式工作簽證
簡: 开放式工作签证

目前,只有經開放式工作簽證(OWP)申請永居的香港人受惠於Stream B。 

加拿大救生艇計劃放寬 Stream B不再受學歷限制(2023年7月12日)。香港01,取自

Apart from those holding an open work permit (OWP), Hongkongers with a working holiday visa and other work visas can also apply for permanent residency under the scheme’s Stream B Canadian work experience if they fulfill the one-year work requirement.

Canada scraps tertiary education requirement for easier permanent residency application for Hongkongers (2023, Jul 12). The Standard. Retrieved from