Titan 泰坦號

繁: 泰坦號
簡: 泰坦号

美國海岸防衛隊證實,原定前往鐵達尼號殘骸觀光的潛水器,海洋之門(OceanGate)旗下泰坦號(Titan)遭遇「災難性內爆」(catastrophic implosion)解體,潛水器內 5 人,包括 OceanGate 共同創辦人 Stockton Rush 無一生還。

泰坦號內爆|原理詳細講解 專家料潛水器瞬間壓扁 乘客喪生時無痛感(2023年6月23日)。Yahoo新聞,取自https://rb.gy/zu0oe

The international investigation into the fatal Titan submersible implosion broadened on Saturday, with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police saying it’s looking into whether “criminal, federal, or provincial laws may possibly have been broken.”

Investigation broadens into Titanic-bound submersible implosion as questions mount over craft’s safety (2023, Jun 24). CNN News. Retrieved from https://edition.cnn.com/2023/06/24/us/submersible-titanic-implosion-deaths-saturday/index.html