spatial computing 空間計算

spatial computing
繁: 空間計算
簡: 空间计算

懷疑者嘲笑該設備像滑雪板護目鏡一樣的外觀、過高的定價(3500美元),還嘲笑蘋果的高調宣傳(公司稱Vision Pro宣告著「空間計算」時代的到來)。

為什麼我看好蘋果Vision Pro(2023年6月9日)。紐約時報中文網,取自

The US technology giant’s first foray into mixed-reality headsets – which it has termed “spatial computing” – has been seen by some as the impetus for a new revolution in wearable technology.

Apple Vision Pro: Can it really buck the trend of augmented reality flops? (2023, Jun 10).BBC News. Retrieved from