X-date X日

繁: X日
簡: X日

不過這些非常規手段也會有耗盡的一天,這日子被稱為「X日」(X date),屆時美國財政部可能面臨技術性違約。

債限危機 曾導致美國信評降級(2023年5月14日)。明報,取自https://bit.ly/43azfNq

When its cash balance runs painfully low — as was the case on Wednesday, when the Treasury General Account started the day with less than $100 billion — pinpointing the X-date becomes even harder to predict.

When Will the U.S. Run Out of Cash? The Answer Is Complicated. (2023, May 18). The New York Times. Retrieved from https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/18/us/politics/debt-ceiling-xdate.html