on-call 候召

繁: 候召
簡: 候召


公醫假期補水被徵稅 稅務局獲批終院上訴許可證明書(2023年5月11日)。明報,取自https://bit.ly/41pShOB

Leung sued the Hospital Authority in 2002 that doctors’ rights to rest days and holidays had been deprived by the HA’s on-call system and received more than HK$1.7 million in compensation in 2009. 

Doctor cleared of paying taxes on $1.7m compensation (2023, Feb 23). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news/section/4/250072/Doctor-cleared-of-paying-taxes-on-$1.7m-compensation