stable isotope analysis 穩定同位素分析

stable isotope analysis
繁: 穩定同位素分析
簡: 稳定同位素分析

研究發現,穩定同位素分析(SIA)與特定化合物穩定同位素分析(CSIA) 可有效幫助政府的監管部門監察野生動物貿易。

港大開發嶄新法證工具 追溯小葵花鳳頭鸚鵡來源 (2021年7月11日)。星島頭條,取自

She said an example of this was the lenses in a shark’s eye which develop in utero, and that “analysis of atoms in the lens, through a technique known as stable isotope analysis, can help identify where a pregnant female was feeding”.

Hampshire shark: Appeal for head to be returned (2023, Mar 20). BBC News. Retrieved from