anoint 恩膏

繁: 恩膏
簡: 恩膏

王后卡米拉同樣接受恩膏及加冕,但她的儀式較簡單,毋須宣誓。她將戴上瑪麗王后的舊冠,這頂后冠早前已為她作修改,移除象徵殖民的爭議寶石「光之山」,並鑲上伊利沙伯二世生前收藏的Cullinan III﹑IV及V鑽石以向其致敬。

一文看清丨英王查理斯三世加冕儀式流程亮點 恩膏環節最神聖(2023年5月6日)。橙新聞,取自

The Archbishop of Canterbury uses special oil to anoint the King in the form of a cross on his head, breast and hands.

King Charles anointed at Westminster Abbey  King Charles anointed at Westminster Abbey Close (2023, May 6). BBC News. Retrieved from