obnoxious facility 厭惡設施

obnoxious facility
繁: 厭惡設施
簡: 厌恶设施


發展局:尊重市民表達意見權利 研盡量用削坡方式減填海(2023年3月26日)。明報,取自https://bit.ly/40BCcFL

A group of Tseung Kwan O residents have been asked by police to display a number card around their neck and to comply with the anti-mask law for Sunday’s demonstration against the government’s plan for land reclamation and building obnoxious facilities in the area.

Participants asked to display number ID ahead of demonstration in Tseung Kwan O (2023, Mar 25). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/201926/Participants-asked-to-display-number-ID-ahead-of-demonstration-in-Tseung-Kwan-O