(internet) troll (網絡)酸民

(internet) troll 
繁: (網絡)酸民
簡: (网络)酸民

美國白宮首席防疫顧問福奇(Anthony Fauci)年底即將退休,他接受BBC播客(podcast)Americast專訪表示,低劣的網絡酸民肉搜住址和電話騷擾他的妻子與孩子,他批評這是懦弱行為。

福奇退休前受訪稱收死亡威脅 妻小遭肉搜兼騷擾 痛斥酸民:懦弱(2022年12月10日)。香港01,取自https://www.hk01.com/article/845655?utm_source=01articlecopy&utm_medium=referral

Lorraine Kelly hit back at an internet troll who took to social media to comment on her appearance on Wednesday.

Lorraine Kelly hits back at internet troll who slams her ‘awful hair’ as she pokes fun at herself in witty response (2023, Mar 1). Daily Mail. Retrieved from https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11807963/Lorraine-Kelly-hits-internet-troll-slams-appearance-witty-response.html