TikTok tics 抖音抽搐

TikTok tics 
繁: 抖音抽搐
簡: 抖音抽搐

去年,西方多國有數千名年輕人出現突發抽搐症狀,他們互不相識,但都看過某些 TikTok 網紅身體抽搐的短片,以致西方媒體驚現「TikTok Tics」(抖音抽搐)的新聞頭條。

康復者剖白,TikTok 如何傳播集體抽搐症狀?(2023年2月20日)。CUP媒體,取自https://www.cup.com.hk/2023/02/20/tiktok-tics/

According to the pediatricians, neurologists and psychiatrists who spent the last two years studying — and working to alleviate — the “TikTok tics,” adolescents who exhibited the bizarre behavior had watched videos from TikTok influencers who either had Tourette’s or claimed to have Tourette’s. 

What You Need to Know About the “TikTok Tics” (2023, Feb 14). Inside Hook. Retrieved from https://www.insidehook.com/daily_brief/health-and-fitness/tiktok-tics