Sidewinder missile 響尾蛇導彈

Sidewinder missile 
繁: 響尾蛇導彈
簡: 响尾蛇导弹


不明飛行物體遭擊落|服役67年仍未被淘汰 響尾蛇導彈有多厲害?(2023年2月13日)。香港01,取自

After flying across the US and hovering over nuclear silos, a Chinese spy balloon was brought down by an F-22 Raptor fighter jet firing a single Sidewinder missile

How $200m F-22 Raptor shot down Chinese spy balloon with $400k Sidewinder missile – and possibly paid homage to WW1 ace the ‘Arizona Balloon Buster’ with their callsigns (2023, Feb 5). Daily Mail. Retrieved from