North Natuna Sea 北納土納海

North Natuna Sea
繁: 北納土納海
簡: 北纳土纳海

印尼海軍總司令穆罕默德(Muhammad Ali)星期六(1月14日)向路透社披露,印尼海軍在北納土納海(North Natuna Sea)部署了1艘軍艦、1架海上巡邏機和1架無人機。

印尼軍艦抵南海有爭議海域 監視中國海警船(2023年1月14日)。香港01,取自

Indonesia says it has sent a warship, a patrol plane and a drone to its North Natuna Sea to monitor a Chinese coastguard vessel that has been active in a contested, resource-rich maritime area.

Indonesia sends warship to monitor Chinese coastguard vessel in contested North Natuna Sea (2023, Jan 14). ABC News. Retrieved from