Talents Service Unit 人才服務窗口

Talents Service Unit
繁: 人才服務窗口
簡: 人才服务窗口


高才通今起接受申請 孫玉菡稱一年內檢討 或增非百強大學特定學科(2022年12月28日)。明報,取自https://news.mingpao.com/ins/港聞/article/20221228/s00001/1672196375904/高才通今起接受申請-孫玉菡稱一年內檢討-或增非百強大學特定學科

At a press conference on Friday, officials said the Talents Service Unit will launch an online platform for people to apply for the talent admission programmes the SAR has on offer. 

Govt to launch online platform to lure talent to HK (2022, Dec 23). RTHK. Retrieved from https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/en/component/k2/1681128-20221223.htm?spTabChangeable=0