alopecia (areata) 斑禿(鬼剃頭)

alopecia (areata)

斑禿(鬼剃頭),因出爐影帝韋史密夫(Will Smith)在奧斯卡台上掌摑基斯洛克(Chris Rock)一幕,令此病引起廣泛關注。

「鬼剃頭」斑禿壓力可誘發 五成患者自行痊癒 醫生教預防斑禿(2022年3月31日)。明報新聞網,取自

About of a third of women will suffer some form of hair loss in their lives, according to Harvard Medical School. And a peer-reviewed study published in 2018 found that Black and Hispanic women in the US have a “significantly greater” chance of developing alopecia areata — the medical term for the autoimmune disorder Pinkett Smith has — in their lifetime than White women.

Oscars controversy shines a light on Jada Pinkett Smith’s ‘struggle’ with alopecia. (2022, Mar 28). CNN. Retrieved from