Temporary Unemployment Relief 臨時失業支援

Temporary Unemployment Relief


新冠疫情|第六輪抗疫基金注資270億元推48項措施 首推臨時失業支援發1萬元津貼(2022年2月14日)。明報新聞網,取自 https://bit.ly/3BhKtmx

Firstly, a Temporary Unemployment Relief will be introduced for the first time to provide a one-off, flat-rate relief of $10,000 to lower-to-middle income full-time or part-time workers (receiving a monthly salary not exceeding $30,000 before they were laid off), who have lost their employment since the fifth wave of the pandemic started and remained unemployed for at least one month at the time of application.

Government seeks Legislative Council’s approval to inject $27 billion into Anti-epidemic Fund. (2022, Feb 14). HKSAR Press Release. Retrieved from https://www.info.gov.hk/gia/general/202202/14/P2022021300685.htm?fontSize=1