T-cell immunity reaction T細胞免疫反應

T-cell immunity reaction

新華社香港1月3日電 香港科技大學(簡稱「港科大」)3日表示,該校與澳大利亞墨爾本大學共同進行的一項研究顯示,新冠病毒奧密克戎變異毒株難以通過突變逃脫人體T細胞免疫反應的攻擊。


Pediatric expert Lau Yu-lung, who advises authorities on vaccinations, said: “Basically, kids from below one to three or four have not contracted any virus, not even for the four common human coronaviruses, which can also stimulate T-cell [immunity] reactions to protect them against Covid.”

Covid-positive girl, 3, fights for life. (2022, Feb 14). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/section-news/section/11/238853/Covid-positive-girl,-3,-fights-for-life