“crash for cash” scammer 碰瓷黨

“crash for cash” scammer


涉藍田麗港城插水式碰瓷 21歲無業男被捕(2021年10月28日)。星島日報,取自 https://bit.ly/3IozeMd

A suspected “crash for cash” scammer in Kwun Tong has become the butt of internet jokes after video emerged of him staging a fake accident, which saw the car stop in time and him walking away unscathed.

Failed ‘crash for cash’ scammer throws himself onto car hood, walks away. (2021, Oct 27). Coconuts Hong Kong. Retrieved from https://coconuts.co/hongkong/news/failed-crash-for-cash-scammer-throws-himself-onto-car-hood-walks-away/