‘living with Covid’ strategy 「與病毒共存」策略

‘living with Covid’ strategy


星國採取「與病毒共存」策略 官員直指:像下坡路騎腳踏車(2021年10月 23日)。中時新聞網,取自 https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20211023003511-260408?chdtv

Singapore now reports an average of 3,300 cases every day up from less than 20 cases a day back in June, when the city-state pivoted to its ‘living with Covid’ strategy.

‘Living With Covid’ Strategy Under Threat As Singapore, U.K. Face Sharp Rise In Cases. (2021, Oct 21). Forbes. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/siladityaray/2021/10/21/living-with-covid-strategy-under-threat-as-singapore-uk-face-sharp-rise-in-cases/?sh=185b7f0d3a77