“Dual Random, One Open” 「雙隨機、一公開」

“Dual Random, One Open”


國家稅務總局:定期開展對明星藝人網絡主播稅收檢查(2021年9月19日)。星島日報,取自 https://bit.ly/3AofjaP

On August 5, 2015, the General Office of the State Council issued the Notice on Promoting the Standard Post-event Supervision of Random Spot Inspection, which calls for the full implementation of the “Dual Random, One Open” regulatory model in the government management and market law enforcement.

Strategy & Policy >> Dual Random Inspection & Public Release. (2019, Jan 14). China Legislation Standard. Retrieved from http://www.cnstandards.net/index.php/strategy/dual-random-one-open/