Sputnik V 「史普尼克5號」

Sputnik V

俄羅斯研發的新冠疫苗「史普尼克5號」(Sputnik V),最後階段臨床測試的中期報告顯示,該新冠疫苗的有效率為91.6%。接受測試的逾2萬名志願者中,並沒有人出現嚴重副作用,部分人只有類似流感症狀、或接種部分感到疼痛等輕微副作用。

【新冠疫苗】俄羅斯「史普尼克5號」有效率91.6%(2021年2月2日)。經濟日報,取自 https://bit.ly/38VVOLN

Among the five patients, three had received two doses of the BioNTech vaccine, one had received two doses of the Sinovac vaccine, and one had had the Russian-made Sputnik V doses.

HK reports five imported cases, all vaccinated. (2021, Sep 10). The Standard. Retrieved from https://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking-news/section/4/180119/HK-reports-five-imported-cases,-all-vaccinated