vortex-induced resonance 渦激共振

vortex-induced resonance


專家指深圳賽格廣場大廈振動是桅桿風致渦激共振造成(2021年7月15日)。香港電台,取自 https://news.rthk.hk/rthk/ch/component/k2/1600925-20210715.htm

Focusing on analysis of wind-induced vibration and cumulative structural damage, experts said they believe that the building’s shaking was caused by a combination of vortex-induced resonance of the rooftop masts, and changes to the dynamic characteristics of the building.

Shenzhen building that vibrated deemed safe. (2021, Jul 16). China Daily. Retrieved from https://global.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202107/16/WS60f0c4bea310efa1bd662386.html