“king size bed” unit 龍床盤

“king size bed” unit


「龍床盤」菁雋額印貨268萬易手 未足3年升值23%(2021年3月17日)。明報財經,取自 https://www.mpfinance.com/fin/instantp2.php?node=1615965325627&issue=20210317

The flats in T-plus are commonly known as “king size bed” units because when the developer first introduced the flats to the public, a representative ironically said that “big as the Forbidden City was, the emperor only needed a bed to sleep on it.”

Lax regulations behind surge in Hong Kong’s ‘nano flats,’ land use group says. (2021, Apr 7). Global Voices. Retrieved from https://globalvoices.org/2021/01/08/lax-regulations-behind-surge-in-hong-kongs-nano-flats-land-use-group-says/