“uniformity” 「清一色」


港區人大代表馬逢國指,中央已多次表明不是搞「清一色」,他又稱曾多次向泛民表達,「我太希望你哋能夠生存,生存得好好哋,不過希望你哋真係做到忠誠反對派 … 空間仍然存在,無論泛民、咩朋友都好,如果想參選立法會嚟搵我,我覺得都有得傾,我唔會拒諸門外。」

【閹割選舉】劉慧卿質疑參選立會須拜票 馬逢國稱不會拒絕提名泛民(2021年4月4日)。立場新聞,取自 https://bit.ly/32r5c6K

Proposed changes to Hong Kong’s electoral system are not meant to impose “uniformity,” and pan-democrats can still take part in elections and be elected, the deputy director of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, Zhang Xiaoming, said Friday in Beijing at a State Council Information Office briefing.

Elections door open for ‘patriots among pan-democrats’. (2021, March 12). The Standard. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/3mXoQR8